Team Eagle visit to the Lifewise Centre

Today Team Eagle visited the Lifewise Centre in Rotherham to meet ‘The Crucial Crew’. The Lifewise Centre is a purpose-built set run by South Yorkshire Police and the South Yorkshire Fire Service where a range of scenarios are staged to teach about various aspects of safety. The Crucial Crew is made up of volunteers representing a range of services, including the fire service, the police, St John’s Ambulance and road safety teams.
During the day the class took part in 8 different activities that covered:
- first aid
- online safety and cyber bullying
- peer pressure and appropriate friendships
- criminal responsibility (including taking part in a Youth Court)
- fire safety
- arson and hoax calls
- public transport, and
- road safety.
Although some of the messages were fairly ‘hard-hitting’, some extremely important messages were shared and children had chance to learn some very valuable life skills.
Everyone enjoyed the day very much and we are very grateful to our PTFA for funding the visit. It was a very educational and worthwhile day!
View images from the visit here.